St Benedict's Catholic Academy

In Love we Learn,
In Faith we Grow

  • Safeguarding

Mission Statement

"With grace and humility,
glorify the Lord by your Life"


Catholic Social Teaching

Our focus this year:

  • Justice
  • Human dignity
  • The common good

Academic excellence

Providing outstanding teaching and learning, rigorous monitoring, a varied and adaptable curriculum with a variety of experiences for all the young people in our care.

We seek to continue the work that has been handed on to us by previous generations and to make Catholic Education a beacon of excellence, not just by catechesis and the delivery of a curriculum, but by the formation of disciples following Jesus in His way of Love.

Academic excellence - providing outstanding teaching and learning, rigorous monitoring, a varied and adaptable curriculum with a variety of experiences for all the young people in our care.

We seek to continue the work that has been handed on to us by previous generations and to make Catholic Education a beacon of excellence, not just by catechesis and the delivery of a curriculum, but by the formation of disciples following Jesus in His way of Love.