Education Standards Committee (ESC)
Main functions are to:
- To provide a strategic overview that ensures the pupils learn most effectively and achieve the highest standards
- Act as a “critical friend” of the school by providing the Principal and staff with support, advice, and information by monitoring and evaluating the school’s effectiveness.
- To ensure accountability. We are accountable to parents, pupils, the community, the Diocese and Ofsted
It is also responsible for many important decisions in the running of the school. These include:
- Involvement in the appointment of teaching staff as appropriate.
- Agreeing the aims of the school curriculum and ensuring the national curriculum is implemented
- Dealing with official complaints and exclusions
Our Education Standard committee
The staff governor is elected by the staff and normally serves for 4 years.
The parent governors are elected to serve the Education Standards Committee by parents of the school and normally serve for 4 years.
Parent governors are pleased to hear about views and ideas and can be contacted in writing via the school office.
The Foundation governors are appointed by the Diocese and normally serve for 4 years.
The co-opted governors are invited onto the ESC committee, to add areas of expertise and to represent the local community. We use a robust set of skills audits to ascertain the requirements and expertise required by the governing body.
A full list of the governors as well as information about their appointment, committee membership, attendance, and the Register of Business interests is available below.
St Bens ESC (ID 1202)
Judith FinelliStaff Governor
Judith Finelli
Andrew LomasFoundation Governor
Andrew Lomas
Responsible for Safeguarding
Nicola OsborneFoundation Governor
Nicola Osborne
Responsible for Attendance
Aaron OwenParent Governor - Chair
Aaron Owen
Responsible for Wider Curriculum/HSE
Paula ParkerHead of School
Paula Parker
Courtney RalphParent Representative
Courtney Ralph